MWCC participates in the presentation of the COTEC 2024 Yearbook

MWCC has participated in the presentation of the COTEC 2024 Yearbook. The annual Cotec Gala invited the more than 700 attendees to participate in a large open debate on the threats to the democratic system and the responses offered by innovation. The programme included a panel discussion with the President of Cotec, Cristina Garmendia, and the three Vice-Presidents of the Foundation, the Chairman of Telefónica, José María Álvarez-Pallete; the Chairman of CaixaBank, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri; and the Mayor of Málaga, Francisco de la Torre.
The programme included a live democracy experiment, designed by Cotec's Behavioural Economics Lab. The audience experienced the consequences of voting with three different election systems and chose their favourite among 15 proposals for action presented by Cotec, which committed to prioritise the chosen one in the coming year. The proposal chosen by the public was Humanism and Technology, which aims to "encourage the inclusion of the humanities in the training of scientists and technologists, so that they can make more conscious and integral decisions during their professional lives".
The Cotec Yearbook 2024 is dedicated to the binomial Innovation and Democracy and includes 15 essays written by leading thinkers in different areas of knowledge. Each chapter of the book contains a diagnosis of the ills that beset the current democratic system, as well as a series of innovative proposals to address them.
Download the COTEC Yearbook 2024: