imagen Press

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MWCC signs a collaboration agreement with the Help, Rescue and Salvage Intervention Group (GIRAS)

The Madrid World Capital of Construction, Engineering and Architecture Association has signed a collaboration...


MWCC renews its commitment to REBUILD as a “Strategic Partner”

MWCC has renewed its commitment and collaboration with REBUILD as a "Strategic Partner". REBUILD is the reference...


MWCC develops the solidarity campaign “Madrid Capital World Cooperation”

During Christmas 2021, MWCC has developed the “Madrid Capital World Cooperation” campaign, with different associations...


MWCC and the #InfraestructurasCovid team of volunteers publish the report “Infraestructuras Covid”

MWCC and the #InfraestructurasCovid team of volunteers have published the report “Infraestructuras Covid”. The...


MWCC and Autodesk organize the round table “The digital transformation in cities: infrastructures and buildings”

The success stories that will define the different urban solutions, as well as the future of architecture, engineering...


MWCC participates in the conference “Innovative projects for the transformation of the city of Madrid” organized by ESADE

MWCC has participated in the day of reflection and debate: "Innovative projects for the transformation of the city of...


MWCC present at the 15th anniversary of elEconomista

MWCC was present at the celebration of the 15th anniversary of elEconomista. An act that was presided over by King...


MWCC member of the Advisory Council UIA Madrid 2022 International Forum

MWCC has been present, as a member of the Advisory Council of the UIA Madrid 2022 International Forum, in the...


Global Shapers Madrid Hub and MWCC launch the first Hackathon of urban solutions in Madrid, “Urban Solutions Madrid”

Global Shapers Madrid Hub and MWCC launch the first urban solutions Hackathon in Madrid, “Urban Solutions Madrid”, on...


Success of the 9th Annual Conference of the ECTP in Madrid, organized by MWCC and PTEC

The 9th Annual Conference of the ECTP, held in Madrid, at the Palacio de Cibeles, has been a success. On December 2...


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