imagen Press

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MWCC participates in different technical committees of CONAMA 2022

MWCC participates in different technical committees of CONAMA 22, which design and prepare one of the main...


LoxamHune se une a la MWCC para apoyar a Madrid como referencia mundial en soluciones urbanas

LoxamHune, filial en España y Portugal del Grupo Loxam, mayor alquilador de maquinaria europeo, se ha incorporado a...


MWCC and IESE Business School celebrate the day “Madrid, one of the 100 Climate Neutral Cities”

MWCC and IESE Business School have celebrated the day “Madrid, one of the 100 Climate-Neutral Cities”. This act has...


MWCC and Global Shapers Madrid publish the list of the second edition “35 under 35”

MWCC and Global Shapers Madrid, launched last July the second edition of the “35 under 35” ranking. After the success...


MWCC participates in the second edition of the BENIMOV forum

MWCC has participated in the second edition of the BENIMOV forum, held from September 8 to 11 in Benidorm. It is a...


MWCC adheres to New European Bauhaus

MWCC has joined the New European Bauhaus. MWCC is the first Spanish entity of public promotion and that brings...


KONE joins the Association Madrid World Capital of Construction, Engineering and Architecture

KONE, a world leader in the elevator, escalator and automatic building door industry.....


MWCC obtains the Bronze certification of the Cluster Management Excellence Initiative (ECEI) standard

MWCC becomes a pioneer entity in achieving the Bronze Certification (Bronze Label), of the Cluster Management...


Anrotech joins MWCC

Anrotech has joined the Madrid World Capital Association of Construction, Engineering and Architecture (MWCC). MWCC is...


European Engineering, Studies and Projects joins the Association Madrid World Capital of Construction, Engineering and Architecture

European Engineering, Studies and Projects (INESPRO), a national benchmark engineering and architecture company, has...


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