imagen Press

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MWCC and the Metrópoli Foundation sign a collaboration agreement with the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima (Peru)

MWCC and the Metrópoli Foundation have signed a collaboration agreement with the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima...


MWCC participates in the CIEC Summit of Innovation in Circular Economy

MWCC has participated in the CIEC Summit on Innovation in Circular Economy held at CIEC on October 24. It was an event...


The Center for Innovation in Circular Economy and the Madrid Capital Mundial Capital association sign a collaboration agreement

The cooperation between both entities will consolidate in Madrid the promotion of entrepreneurship, sustainability and...


The University of Navarra and MWCC create “Madrid Forum”

The University of Navarra and Madrid Capital Mundial have created “Madrid Forum”. Specifically, the Higher Technical...


MWCC joins the construction and engineering sector working group, created by the UN Global Compact Spain, to promote sustainability

The impact of the construction and engineering sector is huge - it represents 5.8% of the Spanish Gross Domestic...


MWCC participates in the presentation of the COTEC 2023 Yearbook

MWCC has participated in the presentation of the Cotec Foundation Yearbook 2023. The Yearbook compiles some of the...


JUAN XXIII FOUNDATION and MWCC join forces to make Madrid a more sustainable and inclusive city

This collaboration will allow for the promotion of training, R&D&I, business development, green and inclusive...


MWCC present at the presentation of the Passivhaus Institute plaque to the first sustainable shelter in Spain

MWCC attends the presentation of the Passivhaus Institute plaque to the first sustainable shelter in Spain. This...


FUNDACIÓN JUAN XXIII y MWCC unen sus fuerzas para hacer de Madrid una ciudad más sostenible e inclusiva

Esta colaboración permitirá potenciar la formación, la I+D+i, el desarrollo empresarial, el empleo verde e inclusivo y...


MWCC presente en la entrega de la placa de Passivhaus Institute a la primera reshogar sostenible de España

MWCC acude a la entrega de la placa de Passivhaus Institute a la primera reshogar sostenible de España. Este...


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