The Tres Cantos City Council and Fundación Metrópoli will collaborate in the planning and design of a model of the city of the future


The Tres Cantos City Council and Fundación Metrópoli will collaborate in the planning and design of a model of the city of the future

image The Tres Cantos City Council and Fundación Metrópoli will collaborate in the planning and design of a model of the city of the future
  • The mayor, Jesús Moreno, and the president of the Foundation, Alfonso Vegara, have signed the collaboration agreement to cooperate in the implementation of actions around the development of the city
  • A ‘City Project’ will be promoted for Tres Cantos with the aim of aligning the urban transformation strategies with the Sustainable Development Goals
  • In parallel, the City Council adheres, as a collaborating entity, to the Madrid World Capital Association of Construction, Engineering and Architecture (MWCC)
  • Fundación Metrópoli is an international institution oriented to the creation and diffusion of innovations in the field of cities


The mayor, Jesús Moreno, has indicated that “it is a great opportunity to have the experience of the Metropolis Foundation for the development of Tres Cantos thanks to this protocol, which will allow us to enrich the strategies proposed by the Government team for the future from the city”.

For his part, Alfonso Vegara, highlighted that “Tres Cantos is a reference city in Spain, it was created as a new city in the Madrid environment in a similar way to how the New Towns were designed in the London environment, or the Villes Nouvels from the surroundings of Paris. We believe that this alliance will allow us to take advantage of the unique features of Tres Cantos to create an authentic ‘Ecocity’ that is a reference in Europe, a place to live and work, for culture and education, for leisure and contact with nature. An opportunity also for the collaboration of the public sector, the private sector and civil society to implement urban and advanced technological solutions at the service of the citizens of Tres Cantos and the Community of Madrid ”.

The Metropolis Foundation was born in 1997 at the University of Pennsylvania with the objective of working in cities and territories to contribute globally to the acceleration of their economic development, competitiveness, quality of life and sustainability.

It develops projects based on urban intelligence and digital technology and has received numerous international recognitions, from the United Nations, the European Union, the European Council of Spatial Planners, Institutes of Architects and Business Associations; Among them, the European Urban & Regional Planning Awards stand out, with which it has been awarded on three occasions.

He has collaborated in the urban transformation of cities such as Singapore, Yokohama, Santiago de Chile, Cartagena de Indias, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Mexico City, and, at the national level, in cities such as La Coruña, Malaga, Alicante, Bilbao and Madrid.

The mayor, Jesús Moreno, and the president of the Metropolis Foundation for Innovation and Design of the Territory, Alfonso Vegara, have signed an agreement to cooperate in the implementation of actions around the planning and future development of Tres Cantos.

It is a protocol of intentions to open a line of reciprocal collaboration to promote territorial innovation and respond to the challenge of formulating solutions that allow achieving a balance between economic development, social equality, quality of life, and the culture of the territory. and environmental sustainability.

The agreement, which is valid for three years, will be aimed at developing concrete actions around the following initiatives:

Share information, knowledge, experience and new methods for the sustainable design of cities and territories through joint projects, internal knowledge exchange sessions, interactions, seminars, conferences or international events to accelerate innovation and development of the city of Three Cantos on ‘Urban Solutions’. Share institutional, research and business networks, to establish new connections and global visibility. Networks made up of high-level international experts to connect Tres Cantos with cities around the world. Promote the ‘Ciudad de Tres Cantos’ project based on the methodology and experience of the ‘Project Cities’ carried out by the Fundación Metrópoli in more than 50 cities around the world, to align urban transformation strategies towards the Sustainable Development Goals and promote the city towards a new stage of change in a globalized context of cooperation between cities. Collaboration in attracting European funds, for which the Metropolis Foundation makes its experience available to the Tres Cantos City Council to identify and design urban projects that respond to the demands of the European Union to achieve more sustainable, livable, competitive cities and cohesive.