The Madrid World Capital Association of Construction, Engineering and Architecture brings together more than 80 relevant public and private entities


The Madrid World Capital Association of Construction, Engineering and Architecture brings together more than 80 relevant public and private entities

image The Madrid World Capital Association of Construction, Engineering and Architecture brings together more than 80 relevant public and private entities

The Madrid World Capital Association of Construction, Engineering and Architecture (MWCC) brings together more than 80 relevant public and private entities. The Association was born on March 4, as a project promoted by the Madrid City Council, whose origin took place in 2016. It is a relevant entity in the engineering, construction and architecture sector with an integral and transversal image of the sector.

The project arose with the aim of improving the quality of life of citizens, promoting the sectors in which Madrid and Spain had a competitive advantage and, at the same time, met two requirements: high qualification of human resources and intensive use of technology. Thanks to more than 100 interviews with experts and different round tables, a Strategic Plan for the Sector for Madrid was drawn up, the first milestone of which was the constitution of MWCC on March 4, with three main objectives: to promote these activities in the City and in Spain, consolidate the international leadership of our companies and make Madrid visible as the world reference center in our sector.

This transversal and comprehensive vision has been transferred to all public and private companies that have joined the project. Academic and research entities – UPM, UAX, UFV, UNAV, SAN PABLO CEU, NEXT Education, University of Navarra, CEDEX and CSIC – form part as partners or collaborators – professional associations – AICCP, CICCP, Círculo de Empresarios, Demarcation Madrid, DIRCOM, COAM, CSCAE and CITOP -, business associations – ASPRIMA, ASECI, AVINCO, OFICEMEN, AEV, AEMME, ASICA and TECNIBERIA -, associations of municipalities – GALSINMA, Sierra Oeste de Madrid -, public entities – CESCE, ESPAÑA GLOBAL , ICEX, ICO, IFEMA and MADRID CALLE 30, EMT, METRO DE MADRID, MIA -, large companies and SMEs – such as ACCIONA, AZIERTA, AZVI, CABIFY, CEMEX COMSA, DCN, EIFFAGE, EPTISA, FCC, Grupo SANJOSE, Grupo GMP , IECA, INCA PATRIMONIALES, JOCA, METROVACESA, MOVO, NATURGY, RETINEO, SACYR, SODA Arquitectos, THINK PROJECT TORRE RIOJA – law firms – Cremades and Calvo Sotelo-, financial entities and consultants – AVELLANAR, BANCO CAMINOS, ICO EY, PWC-, other national and international entities them – AEV, CONAMA, COTEC, FORÉTICA, FUNDACIÓN METRÓPOLI, FUNDACIÓN TRANSFORMA ESPAÑA, GLOBAL SHAPERS, GREENWARD PARTNERS, IE PUBLIC TECH LAB, IABS, MADBIT, MADRID OPENCITY, MADRID FUTURO, MADRID SUBTERIR, PARQUE MADRIDÍFICO or Administraciones MADRIDÍFICO the Madrid City Council, the Community of Madrid, SPAIN GLOBAL and MITERD, thus being an example of Public Private Collaboration with the shared objective of improving our quality of life. They have reached agreements with more than 60 Town Halls and 5 Mancomunidades of the Community of Madrid for the implementation of projects in their municipalities.

In the words of its MWCC president, David Garcia Núñez “I believe that we are not entirely aware of the enormous potential that resides in the City and in Spain, through this project, we want to take advantage of this entire ecosystem, unique in the world, to achieve the objectives indicated above and thus contribute to a greater well-being of the population ”.

“Not even in the worst of times, have we stopped working and growing, transmitting our message of citizen service, designing the future of the city’s infrastructures, promoting the engineering, construction and architecture sector and believing that together we are more strong, with public-private collaboration the lever for growth ”

During these first ten months of life, MWCC has worked in the promotion and dissemination of Marca Madrid, Marca España and the engineering, construction and architecture sector; in the development of the Alcala 2030 Project, an iconic project that will transform urban connectivity and development of the World Heritage city. In addition, it is developing the 35 Under 35 program, a talent retention program together with Global Shappers, through which the talent of Madrid engineers and architects will be exposed. By 2021, together with Global Shappers and the Madrid City Council, they will create a possibly face-to-face hackathon to attract and retain talent.

As a result of the collaboration agreement between PTEC and MWCC, the city of Madrid is the virtual winner of the organization and management of the next European infrastructure conference – ECTP. Our candidacy was imposed on cities like Lisbon, Berlin… Madrid will once again attract innovation, talent and investment.

MWCC will present at CONAMA the project “Strategy against the depopulation of municipalities in the Sierra de Madrid.