Success in the first Hackathon of urban solutions in Madrid, “Urban Solutions Madrid”


Success in the first Hackathon of urban solutions in Madrid, “Urban Solutions Madrid”

image Success in the first Hackathon of urban solutions in Madrid, “Urban Solutions Madrid”

Global Shapers Madrid Hub and MWCC have organized the first Urban Solutions Hackathon in Madrid, “Urban Solutions Madrid”, which was held on February 18, 19 and 20, 2022, at the La Nave facilities (Madrid).

Both entities have developed an event which has had the institutional opening and closing of the Delegate of the Area of ​​economy, employment and innovation of the Ayto Madrid, Miguel A Redondo. The event has been developed by the president of MWCC, David Garcia Nuñez, and the president of Global Shapers Madrid Hub, Jesus Jimeno.

The event has had the main public and private Universities of the Community of Madrid, thus achieving a connection between the academic and business world. More than 50 young people from universities, Alfonso X El Sabio, Polytechnic University of Madrid, University of Comillas, University of Alcalá, Complutense University of Madrid, European University, Udima, Carlos III University, University of the Basque Country, San Pablo Ceu University , among others, and more than 270 people online have been able to analyze the different urban, social and economic challenges that we face as a society.

The different round tables developed have responded to the different challenges posed. The Madrid Nuevo Norte round table, on urban resilience, was moderated by Jose Luis Moreno, director of the Madrid Nuevo Norte office of the Community of Madrid, and featured Alfonso Vegara, CEO and founder of Fundación Metropoli, together with Miguel Hernández, director of strategy and development of Madrid Nuevo Norte.

The round table called the NTT Data challenge. Ecological and Digital Transition was moderated by Josemaria Siota from IESE and featured Antonio Bernal, director of innovation at Construcía, and Hector Martinez from NTT Data.

Next, the round table on the Community of Madrid challenge: social and territorial cohesion, was moderated by David Solla Navarro from the Madrid City Council and featured Daniel Caparros from GALSINMA and Miguel Nuñez, general director of collective transport infrastructures.

The round table, Banco Caminos challenge: entrepreneurship and economic development hub, was moderated by the General Director of Economy of the Madrid City Council, Mª Angeles Prieto, with Angel Niño, innovation delegate of the Madrid City Council, as well as Enrique Serra, CEO of Banco Caminos.

Finally, the round table challenge Metro de Madrid: urban mobility and transport, was moderated by Lola Ortiz, director of mobility planning for Madrid City Council, together with Silvia Roldan, CEO of Metro de Madrid and Rafael Ruiz, partner and director of Arup transports.

Present and future issues and challenges were addressed at the event, such as urban resilience, on understanding the problems posed by Madrid’s environment and the search for efficient urban and rural development. The transition to an ecological and digital model has also been examined, addressing the generation of connected cities, prepared for the future thanks to the use of new technologies. Equality of development opportunities was analyzed to reduce inequalities and promote fair and inclusive growth, key elements for social and territorial cohesion. As well as urban mobility models and new transport models, thinking about the development of communication infrastructures aimed at ensuring and improving the mobility models of the future.

During the event, there was an Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Hub to discover and offer opportunities for economic development, entrepreneurship and employment in the Community of Madrid. University students have had the opportunity to learn about the challenges, offer value propositions to face them, all within a framework of public-private collaboration that offers rapid responses as required by the constant transformation of the reality we are experiencing.

The day has concluded with a final presentation in which the projects presented by the different registered teams will be selected. The winners, in addition to obtaining an economic endowment, will be included in the Banco Caminos entrepreneurship program, Speed ​​Way.

  • Winners Alfonso X El Sabio University and Alcala University with the Zero Water District project. The team is made up of Patricia Jaén Díaz, Carlos Nicolás Hernández, Fernando Bedia Perez, Sergio Arminio Conde and Jaime Arminio Conde.
  • Second winners, Polytechnic University and UDIMA with the Supermanzanas project. The team is made up of Alejandro Rodelgo Gómez, José María Aroca and Brandom Cahillaua Mendoza.
  • Third winner, Universidad Carlos III with the Agility project. The team is made up of Álvaro Carpio Chicote, Juan Manuel Abella Lasa, Rodrigo Camarero Ramos, and Hector Lóñez Sanchez.


We highlight the App Madrid 360 + project developed by students from the University of Comillas.

Urban Solutions Madrid has been the first event of talent and innovation that has developed different projects of urban solutions.