REDI launches the list of TOP LGBTI Leaders in Spain 2023


REDI launches the list of TOP LGBTI Leaders in Spain 2023

imagen REDI launches the list of TOP LGBTI Leaders in Spain 2023
  • This is the first list of professionals and people allied with LGBTI diversity within the corporate framework in Spain

On the occasion of its fifth anniversary, the Business Network for LGBTI Diversity and Inclusion, REDI, has created the first list of professionals and people allied with LGBTI diversity within the business world in Spain. With International LGBTI Pride Day as scenario, the list “Top LGBTI Leaders Spain 2023” seeks to make visible those who make their contribution for the respect and inclusion of diversity by sexual orientation, identity or gender expression in the corporate world. This initiative recognizes the work of those who, whether or not they belong to the collective, contribute to the creation of areas more diverse and inclusive corporations.

All the people included in the list have professional and personal trajectories that can be considered an example of support for good inclusion practices, and have been selected by a jury external to REDI made up of professionals from the corporate field and LGBTI diversity: Alberto Pérez, coordinator of the General Secretariat of the Organization International Human Capital Managers-DCH; Ángela Cámara, Head of ESG Impact UN Global Compact Spain; Carmen Alsina Arízaga, Director of Communication,

Institutional Relations and Sustainability of the CEOE; David Guerrero, journalist for Cadena Ser specialized in LGBTI; Lola Fernández Campillo, deputy and treasurer of the Illustrious College of the Madrid Lawyers (ICAM); and Paloma del Río, pioneer of sports journalism on RTVE.

This jury has evaluated, in addition to the motivation and merits of each candidacy, their level of seniority within the organization and the influence and impact of their role for the inclusion of the collective LGBTI inside and outside the company. “In this first edition we have exceeded all our expectations, as we have received close to 200 applications, all of them of high quality”, affirms Marta Herraiz, co-director of REDI, who also shows her gratitude for the level of involvement there has been. “This shows the progress that is increasingly promoted from all areas of civil society ”, she adds. And it has been very difficult for him jury select those who best fit the available categories and criteria established.

Top LGBTI Leaders Spain 2023 is divided into three categories:

  1. Top LGBTI References – Management and Leadership: people with a leadership position in the companies that claim to be part of the LGBTI community and, through their professional career

and staff, have contributed to inclusion and diversity in your organization.

  1. Top LGBTI References – Impulse and motor: made up of people who, regardless of their position or role in the organization, claim to be part of the LGBTI community and have contributed

good practices in favor of the same in your company.

  1. Top Commitment – Allies: allied people with a leadership position in companies that, Although they are not part of the LGBTI collective, they have promoted inclusion and diversity policies in

your company, in addition to showing your support explicitly.

The people selected to appear in the Top LGBTI Leaders Spain 2023 hold positions of responsibility in their companies, both management positions in various areas, and managers intermediates who play an important role in building diverse teams and exerting a inclusive leadership model close to the workforce. And the companies they work for are very diverse sectors and sizes, which  demonstrates the growing interest in this topic within the organizations.

Precisely, this initiative is added to other activities such as the event The Triumph of Diversity where it was celebrated that, in just 5 years, companies have begun to systematically include to LGBTI diversity in its corporate programs to ensure equal opportunities and that no person sees her career affected by stereotypes, prejudices and biases related to your sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.