MWCC presents the results of the survey on the relevance of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Construction, Engineering and Architecture sector


MWCC presents the results of the survey on the relevance of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Construction, Engineering and Architecture sector

image MWCC presents the results of the survey on the relevance of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Construction, Engineering and Architecture sector

MWCC has presented the results of the survey carried out with the aim of assessing the relevance of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the infrastructure sector (construction, engineering and architecture). The MWCC, Association, in its commitment to promoting sustainability in construction, engineering and architecture, has developed the survey among its entities.

For this purpose, the MWCC Working Group, dedicated to Sustainability, decided to prepare an online survey that was sent to private MWCC entities and completed by 53 of them, so that they could give their opinion from three different perspectives, the point of view of the person participating in the survey, that of their entity and that of the sector as a whole.

The result of the responses reveals the variation in the relevance of the SDGs as assessed from each of the three approaches mentioned. It highlights, as might be expected, the differences between the answers at a personal level and the answers on behalf of the entity or the sector.

From a sectoral point of view, the most important SDGs are related to the activities it develops, such as SDG 9 “Resilient infrastructure, sustainable industrialization and innovation” and SDG 13 “Urgent measures against climate change and its effects”, which demonstrates the relevance of the sector to achieve it in terms of rehabilitation and construction, SDG 6 “Guarantee drinking water and sanitation”, 11 “Inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities” and 7 “Guarantee access to affordable and sustainable energy”.

At entity level, the three most relevant SDGs are related to activity, the fourth to the Economy and the fifth to Corporate Image. Thus, the two most relevant SDGs coincide with the sectoral ones (9 and 13), the third would be SDG 11 “Inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities”, R4 SDG 8 “Sustained, inclusive and sustainable growth and work decent” and as R5 would be the SDG 5 “Gender equality and empower women and girls” that stands out within the reputational scope of the entities.

The SDGs that are most closely related to the great ideals of humanity are highly valued at a personal level and not very relevant at an institutional and sectoral level that seek more practical SDGs as a means to achieve human well-being. For people, SDG 13 “Urgent measures against climate change and its effects” is the most relevant (R1) and SDG 6 “Guarantee drinking water and sanitation” would be the second. SDG1 “Eradicate poverty” is the third at the personal level, however, at the business level it falls to the sixteenth position and at the sectoral level it is the last.

We invite you to download the report by clicking here.