MWCC presents the first awards “Madrid World Capital”


MWCC presents the first awards “Madrid World Capital”

imagen MWCC presents the first awards “Madrid World Capital”

MWCC (Madrid World Capital Association of Construction, Engineering and Architecture) has delivered the first prizes “Madrid World Capital”, in a ceremony held in La Nave (Madrid) and which has been attended by the Minister of Environment, Housing and Agriculture Community of Madrid, the Deputy Mayor of Madrid, the Delegate Councilor for Urban Development, the Councilor for Economy, Employment and Innovation, the Delegate Counselor of ICEX, Member of the General Council of the Judiciary, the General of the First Section of the Civil Guard in Community of Madrid, the Commander of the Air Force (first woman to be an officer of the Air Force since 2017), as well as different civil and military authorities.

The Madrid World Capital of Construction, Engineering and Architecture Association (MWCC) was born on March 4, 2020, promoted by the Madrid City Council. MWCC has shown its strength and has established an environment in which to develop public-private collaboration between different public administrations and private entities.

Currently, MWCC brings together more than 140 leading public and private organizations in innovation, sustainability, engineering, construction, design of urban solutions, university education and international financing. Likewise, it has been possible to generate, taking advantage of the leadership of our country in multiple sectors, a public and private ecosystem that presents a high degree of specialization, and which also forms a focus for attracting investment and talent, thus constituting a guarantee of future projection. and progress.

Among the partners they have multinational construction, engineering, architecture studios, professional associations, universities, financial entities, investment funds, technology companies, insurance companies, certifying companies, auditors… as well as more than 50 public entities and associations of the highest level In our country.

In her intervention, the Deputy Mayor of Madrid, Begoña Villacis, indicated “the City Council works to create an ecosystem conducive to investment, an ecosystem that allows the economic growth of the city as well as the international positioning of the city”.

The act was closed by the Regional Minister for the Environment, Housing and Agriculture of the Community of Madrid, Paloma Martin; which she exposed the good economic, business behavior of the Community of Madrid, thanks to the selective reduction of taxes and the establishment of liberal measures, which have demonstrated their positive operation. “The Community of Madrid continues to be the engine of growth in Spain”. In addition, she indicated “Madrid Nuevo Norte will be the best and largest urban development project in Europe, it will be the most sustainable, most innovative, most technological and most avant-garde project in the world, it will be a Smart city”.

The awardees were:

  • Madrid International Capital Award. Renfe. More than 1 million users make use of the Cercanías Madrid. Renfe has established itself as the best and fastest means of public transport in Spain and Europe. Renfe has recently won multi-million dollar contracts in the US, constituting a true ambassador of Marca España.
  • Madrid Professional Capital Award. Juan Abarca Cidón (President of HM Hospitals). The president of HM Hospitales is a great example of leadership and people management skills, in a particularly difficult year due to the global Covid19 pandemic, in which the health sector has been essential.
  • Madrid Solidarity Capital Award. Creation of the Unit for Access to Justice for People with Intellectual Disabilities-A LA PAR Foundation.
  • Madrid Capital Economic Motor Awards. General Directorate of the Madrid Nuevo Norte Office of the Community of Madrid. MNN will be the largest urban development in Europe in the next 15 years, and with the creation of the MNN Office in the Community of Madrid, a clear institutional commitment is made to the development and continuity of the project, thus supporting the work carried out by DCN.
  • Madrid Sustainable Capital Award. Metropolitan Forest of the Madrid City Council. It is the largest sustainable urban project in Europe. This project is based on a green infrastructure that will extend over 75 kilometers in the city of Madrid, which will contribute to the rebalancing of the city, the reduction of CO2 emissions, the fight against climate change, the ecological and landscape restoration of degraded areas and to increase the offer of pedestrian and cycling itineraries, as well as benefiting the health of the population.


These awards represent an important event for MWCC as well as for its 140 partners and collaborating entities, showing the strength of the sector, the city and the country.