MWCC present at the presentation of Madrid Capital Digital


MWCC present at the presentation of Madrid Capital Digital

imagen MWCC present at the presentation of Madrid Capital Digital

MWCC has been present at the institutional presentation of Madrid Digital Capital, the strategy for the digital transformation of the city (2023-2027), endowed with a multi-year investment of 1,000 million euros. This strategy seeks to accelerate the digitization of municipal public services undertaken in the last two years through realistic measures and thus continue to contribute to the development and growth of the well-being of the people of Madrid.

To this end, a coherent project has been drawn up with the European, national and regional context and aligned with the action plans of the different areas of Government. Madrid Capital Digital is a strategy that is based on three interrelated objectives: to provide agile and accessible digital services for people, which facilitate their daily lives; city ​​intelligence to achieve efficient and sustainable management of Madrid based on the collection, use and analysis of data, and, finally, turn Madrid into a hub of digital innovation, an attractive ecosystem that is a preferred destination for innovation, investment and talent in the digital sector.

In addition, in the coming years it is intended to reduce the use of paper by 90% in municipal administrative management, lower average processing times by 50%, face-to-face processing by 20% or achieve 50% of electronic notifications.

In recent years, a great effort has been made to move from a fundamentally face-to-face and paper-based administration and advance in the digital transformation and in the relationship with citizens. By way of example, 90% of the management of sports activities is electronic, the use of the electronic office has increased by 500% and the face-to-face registration process has been reduced from 85% to 32%. In addition, the monthly electronic signatures in the processing of files have increased from 10,000 to 400,000, the use of paper has been reduced by 80% and the register certificates can now be downloaded in just one minute. All of this has influenced, as the mayor recalled, in the fact that the UN has recognized Madrid as the first city in the world in digital services.

Project examples of a live and running strategy

Madrid Capital Digital is a living strategy, which provides for an annual review and update through a group of digital experts from both the public and private sectors. In the presentation, Almeida has been able to learn about some of the initiatives that are being carried out in the different areas of Government by the companies that collaborate in some projects of this strategy that are already underway.

In this way, the cost savings derived from the increasing use by citizens of the portals and digital services provided by the Consistory, as well as by public employees, have been explained, which results in less use of paper. In this sense, Easydro stands out, the new work space for public employees of the Madrid City Council thanks to which 91.94% of workers use the Teams application daily to communicate.

The results of the Madrid Digital Twin pilot have been analysed, which allows, based on periodic extractions of detailed images of the city in 3D and through artificial intelligence, to identify all kinds of elements such as trees, signs, spaces for potential bike lanes, fords or terraces to be able to make decisions for improvement in areas such as sustainability, mobility and management of public spaces according to the tests in that application.

A sample of the technology applied to cleaning and waste collection has also been presented through a top-loading igloo-type container for collecting paper-cardboard that provides information that allows remote monitoring, an electric cart for manual and maintenance sweeping or a trash can with geolocation and a volumetric sensor with technology that allows knowing the fill level.

Smart Madrid

MiNT (Smart Madrid) is another of the projects presented, a management platform for urban public services that allows receiving and using all the data generated on a single inventory shared by all areas of the City Council to manage the elements of the city, integrating maintenance actions (works, repairs and cleaning), citizen proposals and incidents (010 and Madrid Móvil) and municipal inspections. Thus, MiNT has more than five million geolocated assets such as containers, lighting, traffic, furniture, playgrounds, parks, irrigation, tunnels, cleaning trucks, trees, etc. and receives more than two million sensor data every day.

Mobility will be another of the essential areas in this strategy through a big data platform that allows obtaining and processing of data for the analysis and improvement of mobility in the city of Madrid. Currently, in addition to traditional data, the platform created is fed by anonymized mobile phone data, image analysis through artificial vision, cooperative systems through GPS data from connected vehicles, data that comes from the Internet automated traffic light, accident information provided by the local police, weather and air quality information, information on both private and professional vehicles, as well as public transport.

In addition, the exhibition has shown the benefits of technology for the intelligent energy management of the City Council or, for example, the SAMUR-Civil Protection ambulances that, since 2021, have an On-Board Clinical History tablet (HCE) to collect and digitize all the data of the care provided to their patients.