MWCC participates in the forum “Energy transition, a key element to move towards a sustainable urban model” organized by Forética


MWCC participates in the forum “Energy transition, a key element to move towards a sustainable urban model” organized by Forética

imagen MWCC participates in the forum “Energy transition, a key element to move towards a sustainable urban model” organized by Forética

MWCC has participated in the presentation of the report ‘Energy transition in cities. The levers of change towards transformation’ within the framework of the ‘Sustainable Cities 2030’ initiative -led by Forética and made up of a total of 20 companies and entities, headed by CEMEX, ENGIE, Metrovacesa and Sanitas.

Although they occupy 3% of the global territory, cities represent around 75% of final energy use and 70% of total greenhouse gas emissions. Within cities, approximately 75% of natural resources are consumed and 50% of global waste is generated. In this context, public-private collaboration in the urban environment is essential to ensure the evolution of cities towards healthier and more sustainable environments. Companies are on this path of transformation, leading new urban sustainability and energy transition strategies.

The report published by Forética within the framework of the ‘Sustainable Cities 2030’ initiative addresses the energy transition from four different points of view: energy, construction, urban planning and health. Forética has analyzed four key areas where companies and public administration can and should act to advance the energy transition in cities: urban planning, construction, urban services and living and consumption habits.

In the European Union, a first big step towards this energy change has already been taken. In October 2023, the update of the new renewable energy directive was approved. Its objective is to increase the consumption of this type of energy up to 42.5% in the year 2030, with an attempt to reach the potential objective of 2.5% more, that is, 45% energy consumption by 2030. renewable.

The Sustainable Cities 2030 initiative is led by Forética and made up of a total of 16 companies and entities, led by CEMEX, ENGIE, Metrovacesa and Sanitas. Accenture, Adif, Amazon, Enagás, Ferrovial, Holcim, Iberdrola, Metro Ligero Oeste, Microsoft, Sacyr, Savills and Santander also participate in this initiative.

As allies, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is part of the initiative at a global level, at a national level the CONAMA Foundation and at a local level the Business Forum for Madrid and the Madrid Capital Mundial association. Likewise, MWCC maintains strategic alliances with meetings of international relevance in this field such as the Smart City Expo World Congress, which is being held these days in Barcelona with Forética as a collaborating organization, or the Cities Forum, in its different editions.

Download report ‘Energy transition in cities. The levers of change towards transformation’