MWCC joins the construction and engineering sector working group, created by the UN Global Compact Spain, to promote sustainability


MWCC joins the construction and engineering sector working group, created by the UN Global Compact Spain, to promote sustainability

imagen MWCC joins the construction and engineering sector working group, created by the UN Global Compact Spain, to promote sustainability

The impact of the construction and engineering sector is huge – it represents 5.8% of the Spanish Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employs more than 1.2 million workers – but so is its footprint on the planet, since which is among the sectors that consume the most resources and emit greenhouse gases. And although companies are already working to incorporate sustainability into their operations – 85.9% carry out actions related to the areas of the SDGs according to data from the UN Global Compact Spain -, there are still large gaps in the implementation that significantly affect the progress of the sector in terms of sustainable development. Specifically, only 21% have fully integrated sustainability into the different areas of the company and only 14% provide training on the subject to their staff.

In response to this challenge, the UN Global Compact Spain has started an ambitious sustainable transformation project through the new construction and engineering working group that also aims to position itself as a benchmark in sustainability in this industry.

To achieve this, this working group has a three-year plan that includes training workshops led by sustainability experts, the creation of sectoral roadmaps to contribute to the SDGs and the preparation of strategic documents on sustainability. High-level business meetings will also be held to share challenges and learning, as well as to make good practices and commitments visible.

To date, 28 leading companies in the sector have joined this working group.

In the words of Cristina Sánchez, executive director of the UN Global Compact Spain, “the sectoral approach to sustainability is necessary and yields interesting results that we want to promote in those that have a significant economic impact and the capacity to influence, such as this case.” . “This construction and engineering working group is a bold step by companies that want to increase and systematize their efforts to promote more responsible practices and contribute to social and environmental well-being,” she adds.

In the words of the president of MWCC, David Garcia Nuñez “MWCC is an entity that represents more than 187 public and private companies in the sector, so our contribution to this sectoral working group is key and fundamental. We bet, believe and work to design and build innovative and sustainable cities, which improve the quality of life of citizens.”

In this way, the initiative focuses on promoting sustainability in the construction and engineering sector, contributing to the creation of more sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) and counteracting the effects of climate change (SDG 13), among others. Objectives included in the UN 2030 Agenda. Likewise, it will strengthen the leadership of the industry in Spain in the search for sustainable and responsible solutions for the future.