MWCC joins the commitment to the Diversity Charter


MWCC joins the commitment to the Diversity Charter

imagen MWCC joins the commitment to the Diversity Charter

MWCC has joined the commitment to the Diversity Charter for the period 2022-2024, thus contributing to the fulfillment of the Charter’s objectives in a practical way.

It is a commitment through which an inclusive work environment is promoted.

MWCC joins with the commitment to comply with a decalogue of principles and communicate it with these values:

  • Raise awareness of the principles of equal opportunities and respect for diversity.
  • Advance in the construction of a diverse workforce.
  • Promote inclusion.
  • Consider diversity in all people management policies.
  • Promote conciliation through a balance in work, family and leisure time.
  • Recognize the diversity of customers.
  • Extend and communicate the commitment to employees.
  • Extend and communicate the commitment to supplier companies.
  • Extend and communicate this commitment to administrations, business organizations, trade unions, and other social agents.
  • Reflect the activities to support non-discrimination, as well as the results that are being obtained.

The Diversity Charter is an initiative of the Directorate of Justice of the European Commission for the development of its anti-discrimination policies. The Diversity Foundation, promoted by the Alares Foundation, is in charge of giving this seal exclusively in Spain, which responds to a code of voluntary commitment to support and promulgate the principles of the inclusion of diversity and non-discrimination in the environment labor.