MWCC is supporting the development of the largest national technology meeting that will boosting technology in the field of business
MWCC is supporting the development of the largest national technology meeting that will boosting technology in the field of business

The use of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and data analysis has become a key factor in improving the competitiveness of companies. At a time when anticipating trends, optimising operations and offering better experiences are essential elements in a constantly evolving market, technology is a fundamental lever for driving innovation in the business sector.
Against this backdrop, Madrid Network and MWCC, in collaboration with the ecosystem of clusters, innovation hubs and entrepreneurship centres of the Community of Madrid, are organising the PlaNET24 Madrid meeting, the first national technology showcase that seeks to inspire, orient and guide companies to use technology to their advantage.
The event, which will take place on 18 and 19 September at IFEMA Madrid, was created with the aim of connecting the business environment with innovation, through the meeting of companies that want to grow through the provision of their technological tools and companies that require precisely these services to optimise their business.
The meeting, which will be attended by an institutional representation headed by José Vicente de los Mozos, president of IFEMA Madrid; Miguel Garrido, president of the Madrid Business Confederation-CEOE; and Ángel Asensio, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid, among other personalities.
Industry of Madrid, among other personalities, will bring together companies such as DELL, Oracle and Amazon, and leading experts such as Chema Alonso, CDO of Telefonica, who for two days will bring together the latest trends and developments in technology so that attendees can identify the most appropriate solutions for their companies.
Beatriz Alvargonzález, Economic Advisor to the European Commission, explained at the presentation of the event which took place today at the headquarters of the European Commission in Spain: "We at the European Commission are very pleased to be able to hold this event today,
especially at a time when the development of technological tools such as artificial intelligence in a responsible way is the order of the day, and is of vital importance to boost the business sector in Madrid and the rest of Spain".
Óscar Romera, General Coordinator for Economy, Trade and Consumer Affairs of Madrid City Council, stressed that "innovation is perseverance, and we have as an example the South Summit, an event that is now a benchmark, as PlaNET24 will become" and that "one of the keys to Madrid's success is public-private collaboration, and PlaNET24 is a good example". "A commitment to innovation is a safe haven and that is why Madrid is a safe haven for all those who invest in innovation".
For his part, Cesar Benayas, head of the Innovation Area of the Community of Madrid, commented that "Madrid Network is an example of collaboration, and its project is fundamental for the Community of Madrid. It is a showcase where everyone can learn about the knowledge of technology and innovation that is being developed in Madrid, in order to weave networks and move forward together in the technology sector".
Live experiences
One of the differentiating elements of this conference is the possibility of experiencing some of the experiences associated with technological tools and their implementation in the business environment. Among them is the experience of living a live cyber-attack, through a large screen that will show in real time the cyber-attacks that occur worldwide, in order to know which are blocked and which are not in order to make clear the importance of having solutions to protect systems.
Another of the experiences that can be enjoyed at the event is that of virtual reality applied to the tourism sector, where attendees can travel without leaving the site to a tourist destination, through an immersive experience in a 360 environment through VR glasses,
with the aim of showing some of the benefits that travel agencies could have, for example, when it comes to publicising their star destinations for the season.
PlaNET24 Madrid, in figures
The conference will have more than 10,000 m² of exhibition space and nearly 900 companies, and will bring together approximately 2,000 attendees. In addition, the meeting will bring together more than 25 clusters and innovation hubs in the Madrid region, offering a series of presentations by more than 100 speakers, more than 100 companies and more than 1,000 attendees.
The event has a clear objective: "The event has a clear objective: to create a new business model and a new way of doing business.
"The event has a clear objective: to serve as a meeting place to create synergies between the different clusters and entrepreneurial
different clusters and business and entrepreneurship entities in Madrid, in order to boost the innovation and innovation and competitiveness of our companies and to reaffirm our position as a hub for market-applied solutions. as a hub for solutions applied to the market at both national and international level", said Gema Sanz, director of the said Gema Sanz, Director of Business Development at Madrid Network.