MWCC, GIRAS and Olvidados work together to send aid to Turkey and Syria


MWCC, GIRAS and Olvidados work together to send aid to Turkey and Syria

imagen MWCC, GIRAS y Olvidados trabajan de forma conjunta para enviar ayuda a Turquía y Siria

MWCC, Giras y Olvidados are working together to send urgent aid to Turkey and Syria after these terrible moments of destruction and loss that occurred after the earthquake.

The entities have come together to coordinate this aid and control that it reaches the destination where it is really needed.

One of the fundamental elements is the participation of OLVIDADOS, which has its operational headquarters in Turkey and ensures the correct distribution of aid both in Turkey and in Syria.

The objective of this collaboration is to alleviate the suffering of thousands of people by providing them with what they most need at this time.

Food, antibiotics and analgesics, sanitary material, water purification tablets, sleeping bags and blankets, and warm clothing are being collected.

MWCC is where society needs us the most.