MWCC collaborates in the Fundación Repsol Chair on Autonomous, Connected and Shared Mobility

MWCC reinforces its commitment to innovation and sustainability by participating in the University-Business Chair for Energy Transition, promoted by the Repsol Foundation and the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). This project, in which the Spanish Association of Automotive Professionals (ASEPA) and the Transport Engineering Forum (FIT) also collaborate, focuses on the analysis of the regulatory, technological and organizational implications for the development of more efficient, autonomous, connected and shared mobility.
Between May and June 2024, the opinions of 40 experts from the automotive, transportation, infrastructure and technology sectors were gathered, whose conclusions shed light on the challenges and opportunities facing the deployment of the mobility of the future. The questionnaire focused on the regulatory and technical issues that need to be resolved to achieve a safe and efficient integration of these developments into everyday life.
The following are some of the key points addressed:
1. driver liability: One of the most discussed topics was liability in the event of an accident with autonomous vehicles with level 3 and 4 automation. While, theoretically, in level 4 vehicles the driver could be completely relieved of responsibility while the autonomous system is operational, most experts believe that the driver should maintain some degree of control and responsibility, especially in level 3 vehicles, where autonomous capabilities are more limited. This debate is also linked to the development of systems that allow the vehicle to make safe decisions in critical situations.
2. Minimum Risk Maneuvers: Regarding the measures to be taken in the event of autonomous system failures, most participants agreed that a minimum risk maneuver, such as a controlled stop, is the most intuitive and safe solution in most cases. However, the need to foresee scenarios where a simple stop might not be adequate, such as on highways with dense traffic, where it would be necessary to look for safe areas or adaptively reduce speed, was highlighted.
3. Safety Testing: The deployment of autonomous vehicles must be supported by a rigorous testing process covering various scenarios. Experts stressed the importance of testing on controlled tracks as well as in open traffic and virtual simulations. The use of digital twins and large-scale data accumulation were also suggested to analyze and improve system behavior under real-world conditions. The goal is to enable vehicles to operate safely in diverse and changing scenarios prior to commercialization.
4. Teleguiado y Supervisión Remota: Otro aspecto crucial es la regulación del teleguiado y la supervisión remota de vehículos autónomos. La fiabilidad y velocidad de las comunicaciones, así como la ciberseguridad, son elementos clave para garantizar un control efectivo y seguro. También se destacó la necesidad de establecer protocolos y normativas claras que regulen el papel del operador remoto, el sistema de teleoperación y los vehículos conectados.
5. Adaptación de la Infraestructura: Los expertos coincidieron en que será necesario realizar modificaciones en la infraestructura vial para garantizar el funcionamiento seguro de los vehículos autónomos. Entre las actuaciones mencionadas están la mejora de la señalización, el mantenimiento de las vías, la instalación de sensores en la infraestructura y la creación de mapas digitales actualizados en tiempo real, que permitirán una mayor interacción entre los vehículos y su entorno
El proyecto tiene como objetivo no solo abordar los desafíos técnicos y reglamentarios, sino también impulsar políticas que favorezcan la conectividad, la sostenibilidad y la movilidad compartida, contribuyendo al avance hacia un modelo de transporte más eficiente y respetuoso con el medio ambiente.