MWCC and IE Real Estate Club publish the “2023 Office Survey”


MWCC and IE Real Estate Club publish the “2023 Office Survey”



imagen MWCC and IE Real Estate Club publish the “2023 Office Survey”

MWCC and IE Real Estate Club publish the “2023 Office Survey”. A survey answered by more than 200 professionals and created by IE Real Estate Club and MWCC to find out the general characteristics of the office market.

The results provide data of interest to the sector, which may have relevant information to decide on investment, purchase or rental of offices, organization of spaces or carrying out improvements.

The office market stands out for the predominance of rental (72%) over ownership, functional exclusivity (75%) over the multimodality of the building and permanent positions (70%) over flexible ones.

74% of companies have a form of teleworking implemented, this percentage rises to 85% in the case of companies with more than 100 employees. It is striking to see these high percentages and that at the same time only 23% of companies have free jobs. On the other hand, 79% of those surveyed do not consider it necessary to reduce space. The relevance of teleworking is strategic for the company and for the economy, since 94% see it as an important factor for attracting and retaining talent.

61% of companies have an ESG policy, a percentage that increases to 79% in the case of large companies.

Other relevant data would be that 76% of employees live less than 30 minutes from work, for 78% it is important or very important to be in the center or that 59% of people who travel in their own vehicle have parking at your workplace.

Among the most valued aspects, natural light and accessibility by public transport stand out, and among the least, proximity to customers and location in a business center.

The office sector is going through a period of important changes and adaptations that, as a result of the Covid crisis, has accelerated considerably. The sector tries to adapt to the new reality where, in general, more flexibility and agility are required to meet the new needs of tenants. Trends such as telecommuting and the growing demand for more flexibility and greater services by tenants mean that, now more than ever, the sector has to adapt continuously.

We invite you to download the report by clicking here