MWCC and Banco Caminos present the report on the future of the profession of architects and engineers


MWCC and Banco Caminos present the report on the future of the profession of architects and engineers

imagen MWCC and Banco Caminos present the report on the future of the profession of architects and engineers

The profession of civil engineering, canals and ports and that of architect have a strong social component. Engineers work to improve people’s lives through projects that allow mobility, infrastructure and sustainability. Due to its social relevance, Banco Caminos presented, together with MWCC, the report on the future of the profession.

It is a publication that aims to understand and enrich the needs of young Civil Engineers, Canals and Ports and Architects. It was carried out through an online survey carried out on both groups during the months of May and June 2022, in order to understand and analyze the variables that will dictate the future of the profession. The study extracts the importance of the intra-institutional union between Colleges and Associations in the profession or the relevance of adapting the curriculum of a career that has changed so much over the years.

On the other hand, the report includes other points in reference to the future of the profession, such as the importance of promoting studies in engineering and architecture prior to the degree to increase the vocation and the number of students. For 35% of those surveyed, it is essential to carry out communication actions in the media or social networks that show the value that the profession contributes to the economic and sustainable development of society, adapting to new times and ways of working. In addition, 37% believe that joint training programs should be developed focused on improving the employability of graduates. Finally, it was concluded that the most necessary improvements for professionals are in the areas of communication skills and team management, for 67% of those surveyed.

Regarding sustainability, 65% consider that it is of essential importance for the sector. Within this aspect, the most important factors are the social and economic impact of the projects, the calculation of the carbon footprint of the constructions and the use of sustainable materials.

On the occasion of the presentation of the conclusions of the report, Banco Caminos and MWCC organized two round tables with experts in which the most important factors regarding the future of the profession were exposed. The first ‘Uncertain environments: opportunities for the profession’ was moderated by Natalia Fernández, Director of People, Communication and General Services at Grupo Caminos, and had the participation of Luis Carbajo, Director of Engineering, Large Clients and New Businesses at Hilti Española, Pedro Gato, Partner at Paragon Partners and Independent Director at Rodman, and José Antonio Rodríguez de la Cruz, Engineer of the Commercial Department and Concessions at Mutuality Caminos. In it, the advantages and disadvantages for the future of the profession were analyzed, and what tangible actions will be carried out to improve its future. In addition, the importance that the future will bring through technology, which will be in charge of accelerating processes and making the profession more sophisticated, was valued.

The second table was moderated by David García Nuñez, President of the MWCC, and included the participation of Carlos Utanda, Manager Consultant Consumer & Industry at Korn Ferry, Ángela Baldellou, Director of the CSCAE 2030 Observatory and Ara González, Partner of Estudio Primitivo González , and aimed to analyze the skills and requirements to build a successful career. In it, the importance of skills such as analytical skills, critical thinking, business orientation, communication skills, effort, leadership and people management were valued.