Corresponsables and MWCC formalize an alliance with which to promote Sustainability and new city models


Corresponsables and MWCC formalize an alliance with which to promote Sustainability and new city models

imagen Corresponsables and MWCC formalize an alliance with which to promote Sustainability and new city models

The agreement will value projects and initiatives aligned with the SDGs and sustainable development

Corresponsables and the Madrid World Capital Association (MWCC) have signed a collaboration agreement to promote projects and initiatives on new city models based on sustainable management.

MWCC is a non-profit association made up of public and private entities that join forces to position Madrid internationally as a world benchmark in the field of urban solutions, as well as a hub for innovation, sustainability and Social Responsibility, exposing new city models. . For its part, Corresponsables is the Ibero-American media outlet that for more than 15 years has been working to value the socially responsible advances of all types of organizations through its publications and events.

The alliance between Corresponsables and MWCC will allow sharing synergies around Social Responsibility, exchanging experiences and knowledge in the fields of environmental, social and good governance sustainability, thus promoting the generation of a sustainability ecosystem in small and medium-sized companies in Madrid.

For David Garcia Nuñez, president of MWCC “the adhesion of Corresponsables to MWCC represents another step in sustainability projects, social responsibility and commitment to sustainable development objectives. This alliance is key to continue betting on the social area of MWCC, an entity that brings together a business ecosystem of more than 170 entities”.