Círvite launches the first reshogar with a Passivhaus certificate for people with intellectual disabilities in Spain


Círvite launches the first reshogar with a Passivhaus certificate for people with intellectual disabilities in Spain

imagen Círvite launches the first reshogar with a Passivhaus certificate for people with intellectual disabilities in Spain

The Círvite association, with the support of MWCC, presents its reshogar project, a residence designed under international Passivhaus energy efficiency standards and specialized in caring for the elderly with intellectual disabilities or in the process of premature aging.

This new center has a residential area, as well as a day care area. Its function is to provide comprehensive quality care, both medical, psychological and social, to a total of forty-four people.

Pioneering and unique project in Spain with benefits for people and the environment.

One of the main characteristics of the reshogar is that it has been built using the Passivhaus design standard, a certification issued by the Passivhaus Institute of Germany, which seeks to incorporate the highest level of energy efficiency and sustainability into new buildings. All this, in accordance with the challenges set by the 2030 Agenda and according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16 and 17.

Currently, there are already centers that have this certification in countries such as Austria, the Netherlands, Korea and the United States, although this Círvite initiative for people with intellectual disabilities is unique in Spain.

Among the benefits it provides, we must highlight the energy efficiency and environmental impact given the reduction, by less than half, of the building’s energy consumption in air conditioning, with the consequent reduction in the carbon footprint. Also, the acoustic and thermal comfort provided by its hermetic envelope is important, which insulates the building to generate a noise-free and very comfortable environment, with temperatures ranging between 20-21ºC during the day and 15-17ºC at night. .

In addition, this innovative reshogar center guarantees people’s health, thanks to a mechanical ventilation system that recovers heat and purifies the air efficiently, helping to reduce contamination and infections by viruses or bacteria. The building also has optimum humidity conditions and the recommended CO2 levels.

In this way, the center manages to improve the attention offered to people and make this new center an adapted, familiar place, without noise and with less environmental impact.

A clear example is that all energy savings are reinvested in improving the quality of care for people. In this way, costs are reduced, guaranteeing long-term viability and turning Social Services into a benchmark for sustainability.

A new home for the elderly with disabilities

With this initiative, Círvite seeks to offer an adapted and quality space in which residents can age with health and dignity. Likewise, it is an important point of support for families, who can count on the certainty that their loved ones will always be cared for with all the necessary quality guarantees.

In this reshogar, individualized support plans are applied according to the needs of each person. Above all, taking into account that 70% of the people cared for by the association have chronic illnesses or other added support needs that must be considered. In addition, it allows residents to maintain their routines, as it is located very close to the socio-community resources they need for their day to day.

All these improvements have their origin in the entity’s own experience, as well as in recommendations from different studies and contributions from various residences with years of operation in the sector.