Sorigue, a benchmark in services to the city, water and infrastructures, joins Madrid Capital Mundial


Sorigue, a benchmark in services to the city, water and infrastructures, joins Madrid Capital Mundial

imagen Sorigue, a benchmark in services to the city, water and infrastructures, joins Madrid Capital Mundial

Sorigué is a business group specialized in the sectors of services to the city, the water cycle, energy, infrastructures and materials.

Founded in 1954, the company operates in national territory with offices in Madrid, Barcelona and Lleida and delegations and production centers throughout the country.

With a strategy focused on sustainability, Sorigué has implemented environmental, social and governance criteria in all its business areas. In this sense, it has more than 92% of the business endorsed by the UNE-EN-ISO 14001 environmental management standard.

In addition, it approaches growth from an innovative perspective, which is why it works in partnership with various public and private entities in the search for more sustainable materials and procedures.

For more than 30 years, Sorigué has maintained a solid relationship with Madrid and its region, which has resulted in important contracts such as the framework agreements with the General Directorate for the Conservation of Public Roads of the Madrid City Council; the green infrastructure maintenance contract with the Parla City Council for more than 10 years; as well as the numerous contracts with Canal de Isabel II for the management of different services and works related to the water cycle.

The union with Madrid Capital Mundial aims to join forces with other companies and entities in initiatives linked to the future of cities. For this reason, “the membership of Sorigué represents the opportunity to show the knowledge and experience of the company in urban development to generate new synergies with the sector and move towards a more innovative and sustainable city”, said Ana Vallés, president of Sorigué .

For David Garcia Nuñez, president of MWCC, “Sorigue’s adhesion to Madrid World Capital is a clear commitment by the entity to cities, their sustainable and innovative solutions. We faithfully believe in the projects, synergies and activities of the more than 170 public and private companies that make up the ecosystem created in Madrid World Capital”