MWCC participates in the European Diversity Month


MWCC participates in the European Diversity Month

imagen MWCC participates in the European Diversity Month

MWCC participates in the European Diversity Month, a communication action designed by the Diversity Foundation. An initiative of the European Commission, which will take place during the month of May throughout Europe and whose objective is to promote diversity and labor inclusion in companies.

Diversity Foundation, as promoter of the Diversity Charter in Spain, together with the European Platform of Letters for Diversity and the European Commission will encourage companies and institutions to join this month by carrying out awareness campaigns, workshops, training and sharing good practices that promote social progress and economic competitiveness.
Diversity activities across the European Union

The European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity 2023 awards are being held for the second time and, this time, there will be two categories: local authorities with less than 50,000 inhabitants and local authorities with more than 50,000 inhabitants. In addition, this year a special Prize will be awarded to LGBTIQ+ equality initiatives. Last year two Spanish cities and one autonomous community were awarded: the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, the city of Barcelona and the city of Antequera.

“We must work together to get through these difficult times. Diversity and inclusion foster cohesive communities and maximize innovation and growth. To achieve this, we must use all the talents and leave no one behind. Therefore, it is important to assess where we are and whether our diversity policies are working. I call on all organizations to join me in May 2023 to celebrate the European Diversity Month and take a strong stand for diverse, inclusive and equal workplaces”, said Helena Dalli, Equality Commissioner.

The hashtag will be #EUDiversityMonth (#EuropeanDiversityMonth) and the official motto will be “Building Bridges”.

More than 1,500 organizations have already committed to diversity

Through the Diversity Charter, Fundación Diversidad has managed to get more than 1,500 organizations to sign their commitment to non-discrimination. It is a decalogue of 10 principles on inclusion and diversity for companies to adhere to voluntarily. In Europe there are more than 15,000 signatories since the initiative was created in 2004.